The BCBEC foundation was established in 2006 from a surplus in the BCBEC operating budget. The purpose of the Foundation is to provide scholarships for post-secondary students and apprentices who excel in the study of building envelope design, construction and technology.
The Education Foundation follows the basic purpose of BCBEC set out in Article 2 of our Constitution. The Articles states:
The purpose of the society is to promote the pursuit of excellence by all individuals and groups having an interest or involvement in the design, construction or other technical aspects of the “building envelope”, and includes the organization and/or sponsorship of meetings, seminars and other activities for the education and professional advancement of those individuals and groups.
The BCBEC Foundation operates as a Society (not a Trust). The Members of the Foundation Society are members of the BCBEC Board of Directors who are appointed as separate Board of Directors for the Foundation Society.
In summary, the Foundation allows each of us whether consultant, contractor, supplier, developer, regulator or warrantor to create a legacy for the education and training of those who will join us and follow us. The Foundation will make a positive and permanent difference.
The Cameron Harrison Memorial Award was established in 2009 by the BC Building Envelope Council (link) . Cam was a 2007 graduate of BCIT in Architectural and Building Engineering Technology, receiving awards for achievement. On July 29, 2007, on a weekend break from work at RDH Building Engineers in Victoria, Cam was in Whistler with friends and was tragically killed in a motor vehicle accident. Cam passed away from his injuries soon after arriving in North Vancouver, the city where he was born.
The Tom Morstead Award was established in 2009 by Tom’s family. Tom worked very hard and was passionate and ethical about his field of work. He was always willing to share his expertise.
Please click on the following link: BCBEC Foundation Donation